for MacOS how install v.1.1 Textcast

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Bit Maki Software, Inc., Multimedia Design, 2765 KB, Audio, Textcast

❭ Textcast 1.1

Textcast turns any text - documents, Web pages and entire blog feeds - into personal podcasts you can listen to right on your iPod and iPhone.
Catch the bus, forget the paper. Bike, bus, foot and rail: Textcast is ideal for commuters. Just sync Textcast and then your iPod or iPhone, and you can listen to your favorite news, articles and blogs on your way to work.
iPod on board. Because Textcast works with iPods and iPhones, it seamlessly plugs into iPod-auto integration systems offered by most manufacturers (and third-party solutions). Stay safe by listening over your car's speakers.
A voice for radio. Textcast features Alex - Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard's new ultra-high quality voice - to clearly speak any text you wish to listen to. Alex is also optimized for fast rates, allowing you quickly plow through even lengthy texts.

Featured Sierra (2377 KB)

Recomended 10.14.2 (2847 KB)

Bit Maki Software, Inc.

10.13 6tU-vers-1.9-iNetGrapher.tar.gz {6706 kb} 1.7

High Sierra hyB_CheckUp4Tiger_1.1.pkg {17916 kb} 1.2

for OS X NRGSHIP-UPS-PRO-VER.-2.4-GR9.TAR.GZ {27822 kb} 4.0

Version for OS X RNTB-SPY-CAM-VERSION-5.4.APP {4966 kb} 3.7

New iMac {64339 kb} 1.3

Sierra {28275 kb} 6.1.2

[2433 kbytes] Get Textcast ver 1.3 P7TMW 3.1 Recomended for iMac

[2350 kbytes] Software 2MLCde Textcast v.1.3 1.5 Updated version

[2765 kbytes] App ver 1.5 Textcast 0KHKp 2.1 Featured on Mac mini

[2682 kbytes] Update NPMON TEXTCAST VERS.2.1 1.4 to MacBook

[3096 kbytes] Update VERS.2.1 TEXTCAST ACYFIJ 3.1 for OS X
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