Display lyrics of current iTunes track. how install on

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Home Personal, Music, Fernando Rosentalski Neto, 571 KB, Lyrikos


Lyrikos is a simple app that shows and saves the lyrics for the currently playing track on iTunes.
Currently supported sources:
- Dark Lyrics
- letras.mus.br
- MetroLyrics
- Vagalume

Note: Dark Lyrics sometimes is returning a blank page, which results in lyrics not found, seems to be a problem on their site.

New for MacOS v.1.7_Lyrikos_kzA.zip

MacBook wH1.Lyrikos.3.03.zip

Featured on MacBook Pro 1ws78.Lyrikos.vers.1.6.pkg

Updated for iMac Pro lyrikos.ver..1.5.6ki.dmg

Fernando Rosentalski Neto

Best for Mac PLUMERIA.SMART.CREATOR.V. [14927 KB] 3.3.1

Recomended for OS X TALK.TO.ME.VERSION.3.0.SFBDJB.DMG [325 KB] 2.4

New MacBook CSS_Condenser_1.5_wRoL7.zip [23347 KB] 2.3

Featured MacOS Wild-Media-Server-vers-3.16-D6fGWD.tar.gz [146886 KB] 4.20

(479 kb) Free dhF ver 1.5 Lyrikos 3.03 Best OS X

(645 kb) Get KZQK VERS 1.7 LYRIKOS 1.5 Recomended OS X

(553 kb) Free 1BU LYRIKOS VERSION 1.4 3.03 Best El Captan

(576 kb) Free U88K9k Lyrikos vers.1.6 2.03 New! version

(485 kb) Software J1dEZ Lyrikos 1.6 1.7 Recomended 10.13.4

(508 kb) roKQ v 2.03 Lyrikos 1.5 to Mojave
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