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Expense Tracker will allow you to administer your expenses and present them on insightful charts to make understand your expense habit properly. Keep track of your day to day expenses and curve them on purpose. This is a great tool to assist yourself on how to manage and control expenditures.
Expense Tracker is very easy to use. Users can add expenditures and sort them into category and subcategory. Expenditures can also be sorted by Accounts and Users. This app is built and designed for everyone in the family.
Expense Tracker Features:
- Quick Entry of expenses.
- Builtin Calculator and Currency convertor.
- Add multiple user.
- Sort by Date, User, Expense Category, Account.
- Visual representation of expense data by graph and pie charts.
- Password protect your valuable data.
- Auto backup.
- iCloud sync to all your Macs.
- Easily search for an expense item.
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