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Of course, there are all kinds of advantages that come with having remote access to your desktop computer. For example, you can access important documents you’ve saved at home from your PC at work. So that report you finished off late last night, which you then forgot to email to yourself, is accessible from the office.
General: now takes different file name capitalization
Mounting as Local Drive in MacOSX
The first time Tonido is run, you are required to create a free account. Enter an account name and click Check to make sure it is available.
The above path is case-sensitive.
TonidoDrive will automatically use local LAN IP to access Tonido enabled device to optimize access speeds
Basic service is free.
Run PmWiki as a Tonido Application
There are lot different ways of setting up DDNS service for home or small business. Tonido is one tool that not only provides DDNS client service but also takes one step further by providing all the applications that required DDNS in the first place. You can checkout Tonido at
All Versions
Other Fixes
Suitable for DHCP addresses.
Install or Upgrade to atleast Tonido 2.32
We've scratched the surface of what Tonido can offer, but if you're looking for a personal cloud solution that doesn't involving uploading files to a third-party server, then it's well worth giving a whirl: nothing is stored online and you retain complete control. Just make sure you set things up for maximum security.
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