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Ataxx Larry Kepko
by patvwilke on 2018/11/24 05:23
600 apps
– Basic animation speed is now slightly faster and the game speed can no longer be modified in option
Submitted on2/1/2017
Backyard Soccer 2004 Infogrames/Atari
From now on players won’t be able to play no-money games with unknown players, only with friends. In future updates we also plan on removing option to choose opponent in gold games instead having an auto-matching feature to find a suitable opponent. This way it will become much easier to start the game.
Updated to PJSIP 2.4.5.
Scrabble Plus
European Backgammon Federation
Join us on the next 5K tournament. You can never know; it may reach 6K, 7K, 8K…
Problem with Latest Update
Africa Trail The Learning Company
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