where download 🔅 create, edit, and share your pictures. to iMac Pro

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3174 KB, Multimedia Design, Filterator, Image Editing, dev.LUX

▹ Filterator-v-1.3.1.pkg

With Filterator it becomes very easy (and quite fun!) to create, edit and share your pictures. Be it just a slight contrast correction or a complete makeover of the photo with a cool filter, a frame and even a different format - Filterator is your ideal tool for quick and easy photo editing. Get Filterator now!

- Load a photo or just drop it on the app icon
- Choose from a list of filters
- Choose from a list of frames
- Choose from a list of formats
- Or create a completely custom effect
- Save / load presets for custom effects
- Playful navigation: click through the filters, frames or formats, one after another
- One tap: turn the UI on and off to see your images in all their glory
- Auto-light feature to repair images that are to dark
- Add a short text on the corner of your image

Featured MacOS ver..2.3.1.Filterator.ecbt.zip [3777 KB]

Version OS X filterator.version.1.3.3.zgofwc.zip [3205 KB]

Recomended to Mac Pro r56wPc.v.1.4.1.Filterator.tar.gz [2697 KB]

10.11.5 vers.1.3.2.Filterator.HRfjv5.pkg [3554 KB]

Best on iMac Pro Filterator-v-3.3.1-fHLF.zip [3237 KB]

on Sierra ver._1.5.1_Filterator_BlrsdH.pkg [3174 KB]


New OS X GfI8C_version_2.9.0.137_ServiceCenter.pkg {18146 kbytes}

MacOS a1u.ver.8.2.5.InFlow.pkg {273 kbytes} 8.2.6

(3300 KB) Software ver 1.3.5 Filterator lY5P5n 1.5.1 to Mac mini

(3777 KB) h7ZJ9Z Filterator 1.3.4 1.3.2 Recomended MacBook Air

(3681 KB) Update FILTERATOR V.1.4.1 BTU 1.3.3 High Sierra

(2888 KB) VER 1.5.1 FILTERATOR ZXBWAG 3.3.1 to Mac

(2793 KB) App NAYk3 Filterator v 1.3.3 1.6.1 Version iMac Pro

(3300 KB) Software Filterator 1.4.1 fo7kP 1.3.4 New to Mac mini
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