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Image Viewer is a simple and fast way to view images and photos. Quickly view all images for an entire folder and subfolders. View in normal or full screen modes and enjoy full screen slide shows. Users can navigate using mouse, trackpad, and keyboard.
- Open or drag an image file or folder into Image Viewer
- Preferences to choose if you want to see all images in subfolders
- Zoom to fit, actual size, zoom in, zoom out, rotate left, rotate right
- Scrolls zoomed images and large images in actual size
- Preferences to customize image sizing to allow for upsizing or downsizing only
- Preferences to size app window to first opened image or all images.
- View single images or thumbnails
- Fullscreen mode
- Slideshow mode with preferences for customization
- Preference to not sleep during slideshow
- Open from and share to iPhoto
- Open in Finder
- Set image as Desktop picture
- Supports Retina display
- Supports Trackpad swipe
- Safe sharing on OS X 10.8 or later
- Image Info window with metadata
- Move to Trash in menus to delete images
- Mouse wheel zoom when shift key is pressed
- Keyboard shortcuts for most functions
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