on High Sierra where download Karabiner-Elements-12.1.0.tar.gz

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Description: Takayama Fumihiko, Utilities, Karabiner Elements, System, 5120 KB

◓ version 12.1.0 karabiner elements

Karabiner Elements (earlier was Karabiner, and even earlier was KeyRemap4MacBook) is powerful and stable keyboard customizer for macOS.

- Simple Modifications: Map normal keys to arbitrary key functions
- Complex Modifications: Map keys by complex rules. e.g., key to modifiers, modifiers+key to key, send key event if pressed alone, etc
- Function Keys: Map function keys to arbitrary key functions
- Devices: Apply modifications to specified keyboards only
- Profiles: Support the creation of multiple profiles that the user can switch between
- Modifier Flag Sync:Synchronize modifier flags across all connected keyboards
- Secure Keyboard Entry Support:Work well on Secure Keyboard Entry environment such as a password prompt, terminal with Secure Keyboard Entry, etc

Version 10.12.5 00r_Karabiner_Elements_vers_12.4.0.app {4812 kb}

Updated OS X v.12.1.3-Karabiner-Elements-YK5b.dmg {5478 kb}

Best for Mojave Karabiner_Elements_v_14.1.0_Jx7.tar.gz {4915 kb}

Takayama Fumihiko

10.13.5 fW23_Wyzo_vers.

New for High Sierra ver..1.5.DesiGN.Posters.Templates.aNqwrJ.zip 2.0

for 10.12 vers.1.5.3.PolyPhontics.GB.7XFRii.dmg 1.4.7

(4812 kbytes) ZNd Karabiner Elements version 12.1.4 12.1.2 Recomended to MacBook
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