Main category / Multimedia Design
Sub category / Icons
Developer / Davey Heuser and Curtis Hard
Filesize / 5939
Title / IconJar
IconJar 1.13.2
If you need to use your icon for Windows applications or as a favicon for your website, ICO is the right format. The ICO format can also be used for favicons for a website. More about favicons:
Designed to make the life of app developers and designers a little bit easier, IconJar is a lightweight and user-friendly icon organizer for your Mac.
Davey: Oh yes, definitely. I used to work with another developer in the very beginning when I was still collaborating with Pascal, but at one point this developer told me he had no time to work on IconJar anymore. This came as a shocker but I was very lucky to have found Curtis not long after that though.
Download the current version here →
Install icon files as libraries
Featured El Captan {6651 kb}
Recomended to OS X {6473 kb}
Serial key IconJar 1.13.2
- Performance improvements
1 for true, 0 for false whether to enable logging
Version 2.3.1
If you need a sad-looking emoji or an icon of a credit card, you might not remember which specific sets have those, or how their filenames are structured, but a search for the tags can unearth them no matter where they're stashed. Plus, when you export a set in IconJar format, all the metadata goes with it.
Parece que tienes problemas para reproducir el video. Si es así, intenta reiniciar tu navegador.
This timeline is where you’ll spend most of your time, getting instant updates about what matters to you.
Remember, you must have an internet connection in order to download a fresh copy of the Mac operating system.
[5998 KB] App
B4RYd IconJar vers 3.13.2 2.13.2 Best for OS X
[6948 KB] Free
WG2S ICONJAR V 1.12.0 1.13.6 Recomended to Mac Pro
[6711 KB] Get
VERS 1.13.3 ICONJAR JNZQ 1.12.1 Recomended iMac
[6117 KB] Download
dMh IconJar v.1.12.1 1.12.0 Featured Sierra
[7067 KB] Update
AND ICONJAR 3.13.2 1.13.1 New iMac
[6829 KB] Software
GWJAEC ICONJAR 3.13.2 1.16.2 Mac mini
[5404 KB] Update
IconJar v 1.14.2 7huS9 1.12.1 Version to MacBook Pro
New! version
New iMac {13770 kbytes} 3.5.0
El Captan
hg68_ver_3.3.4_Bank2OFX.dmg {15040 kbytes} 3.9.116
Best OS X {34729 kbytes} 1.1.4