Main category, Multimedia Design
Sub category, Illustration
Developer, Lost Minds
Filesize, 14131
Title, Vectoraster
➦ Vectoraster version 7.4.0
I get to try a LOT of applications and utilities, but few of them remain installed on my Macs for the long haul. This is especially true of small shareware utilities that tend to solve a relatively minor issue that few people even consider a problem to begin with.
JULY 7 UPDATE: Apple has now fixed the problem, and redistributed the affected app updates. This means the 1.1.1 update has been sent out again to all users, this time hopefully not corrupted, so you will not need to delete or reinstall the app manually.
– Many different point shape types, from circles to polygons or custom shapes from imported
Review (Vectoraster 6)
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Option to skip frames in animation previews when rendering is slow.
Official site:
Featured 10.14.1 | 16957 kbytes |
Version for 10.14.2 | 12152 kbytes |
Preferences panel reorganized. Further improvements to parsing custom vector point shapes. - Max values of the point size sliders are now adjusted with raster spacing for better precision. Look for Similar Items by Category Exported MPEG4 animations now get the default file extesion .mp4 instead of .mepeg4. - Raster pattern preview display. You can adjust different variables easily such as source images, document size, different parameters, colors, change the point aspect and rotation. Vectoraster also helps you to choose between different pattern types and set the variables manually. Fixes a bug with centering arc path elements in the Change Pivot node.
{12717 kb}
PXVF VECTORASTER 7.3.8 7.4.1 Featured for High Sierra
{12293 kb} Download
Vectoraster ver. 7.2.5 HRo9fi 7.4.2 Version on OS X
{14413 kb} Update
VERS 7.2.4 VECTORASTER ZJQ1A5 7.3.2 Version for MacOS
{13989 kb} Download
7.3.2 Vectoraster yhBau 7.2.6 Best! version
{16250 kb} Software
vers.7.4.1 Vectoraster cqErXq 7.2.1 Updated for Sierra
{15685 kb} Update
Vectoraster 7.1.5 JvvQxU 7.1.4 Featured Mojave
{12293 kb} App
Vectoraster 7.1.3 3nf 7.3.5 Featured for MacOS
AXURE-RP-V- | 66346 KB |
to OS X
v-3.11.7-TunnelBear-MQjn.dmg | 19660 KB | 3.6.3