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then you can install Brave with:
For speed and privacy, what makes Brave special?
Join us on GitHub and contribute to Brave as we build the web of the future.
Some errors related to brave/electron update can be fixed by doing a clean install:
The foundation of the Brave economy will be "Basic Attention Tokens" or BATs, which have a value derived from a cyber-currency. Those tokens will be awarded based on user attention, or more plainly, time spent viewing ads and content. Brave users who agree to receive ads will be rewarded with BATs; the tokens can be passed to publishers as support for their sites. Alternately, Brave envisions users trading their tokens for premium content or advanced site features.
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by queentakesbishop - Version - 5.2.1 - Dec 1, 2016 - United Kingdom
Fast and secure internet browser for personal computers and mobile devices
Step 1: Quit Brave as well as its related process(es) if they are still running.
curl -s | sudo apt-key --keyring /etc/apt/ add - echo "deb [arch=amd64] trusty main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/ sudo apt update sudo apt install brave-keyring brave-browser Fedora 28+¶
This application is perfect to finely control the cookies we collect browsing the internet. It is an almost indispensable application for managing cookies when using multiple browsers
Tracking cookie detection
With built-in Ad-Blocker, Google Chrome keeps you away from annoying ads. When you open an unknown website, Chrome will protect you from any danger caused by that site. It will give you warning about site certificates and other issues before loading the website.
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