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Light Master gives you the easiest and fastest way to create the best HDR effect photos from just a single image. No need for multiple exposure shots or raw files, just one single JPG image is enough to create gorgeous HDR effect photos (The application also supports PNG, Tiff, and other popular image formats).
Light Master is also able to automatically enhance your dark/dull images by intelligently lighting up each pixel to an individually differentiated level. As the entire photo is processed, and dark parts are lightened up, the details in highlights are not overexposed or blown out, thus Light Master will deliver stunning images, even for those images which were originally very dark and unusable.
Light Master is significantly optimized to ensure faster processing speeds and save you valuable time.
The interface of Light Master is designed intuitively and there is no any learning curve to start with the software to create amazing images.
We are looking forward to seeing your great images, as you have fun with this app!
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